Tag Archives: death panels

Obamacare’s death panels

Last Wednesday, Mark Levin, on his radio show, took a call from a physician named Chris from Milwaukee. Chris reported on a seminar he had attended in Rhode Island where Ezekiel (“Zeke”) Emanuel was speaking on Obamacare. He was explaining … Continue reading

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The Obama administration’s war on the sick

A little-known rule, a provision of Obamacare, went into effect this week. Starting this month, hospitals with high re-admission rates will be penalized to the amount of 1% of their Medicare payments. For hospitals, who often operate on slim margins, … Continue reading

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How Obamacare death panels will operate

A little over a week ago, Mark Levin took a call on his radio show from Jeff from Chicago. Jeff is a neurosurgeon who had just returned from a meeting in Washington, DC, where fellow members of the American Association … Continue reading

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