Tag Archives: Benghazi select committee

The corruption of John Boehner

I am a big fan of Mark Levin, listen to his radio show regularly, and his opinions and analysis carry a great deal of weight with me. So I have been disappointed that he hasn’t seemed to see through John … Continue reading

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A gradual, quiet coup

That’s how Mark Levin described President Obama’s approach to the presidency, underscored by Obama’s comments today in his first official cabinet meeting of the year. As quoted by The Daily Caller, he said: “One of the things I’ll be emphasizing … Continue reading

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Boehner continues to obstruct Benghazi investigation, and others condone his pretense

I was not a little stunned tonight when the Fox News Special Report All Star Panel talked about the Benghazi investigation by House Republicans. Bret Baier, first read a statement from John Boehner, with all of the Speaker’s characteristic bluster, … Continue reading

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