Boehner continues to obstruct Benghazi investigation, and others condone his pretense

I was not a little stunned tonight when the Fox News Special Report All Star Panel talked about the Benghazi investigation by House Republicans.

Bret Baier, first read a statement from John Boehner, with all of the Speaker’s characteristic bluster, saying, “We will press forward with our investigation until we have answers, full accountability, and justice.” Meanwhile, almost 2/3 of the Republicans in the House have signed a petition asking him to get serious about the investigation by appointing a special committee, and he refuses to do so. So Bret asked the opinion of the panel on the frustration of these Republicans with the House Leadership and their failure to appoint this committee.

The question was directed at Jason Riley, a member of the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal. With the dodging skill of a politician, this supposed journalist responded that the fault lay more with the administration and their failure to cooperate. Well, of course. But that comment is a distraction from the question – Why is Boehner obstructing the investigation? So clearly Mr. Riley wants to remain on good terms with the Speaker. That’s the only good reason I can think of for dodging this question.

But the most stunning part was Bret’s follow-up question: “Down the road, is there select committee? Does one happen?”

Riley: “I think so, yes.”

Judith Miller (former reporter for the New York Times, now a fellow of the libertarian Manhattan Institute): “I think so, too.”

Dana Perino: “I don’t.”

Thanks to Dana Perino for her candor here on this question. She is a solid member of the Republican establishment, but refuses to indulge in the fantasy that John Boehner really wants answers on Benghazi. The other two must have their reasons for wanting to play along. I hate this part of politics – the feeling of the need to curry favor with corrupt politicians by joining in their pretense. All it would take would be for Boehner to go ahead and say yes to Congressman Frank Wolf’s petition to set up a select committee. How difficult would that be? But he won’t do it. Yet they play along with the pretense.

Oh, Republicans, I hope we’re building enough fervor to get rid of John Boehner. Don’t get me into his motivations. There is something dirty and very foul-smelling in this whole setup of protecting the president and protecting Hillary Clinton by not getting serious answers on this scandal which, along with Fast and Furious, ranks in the top two presidential scandals of all time.

– David Hall

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About mesasmiles

By Dr. David Hall. Dr. Hall runs The Website Factory, a digital marketing agency. He has had a long-standing interest in politics. As a college student he was Utah State Chairman for both Young Americans for Freedom and Youth for Nixon, and toyed with the idea of a political career.
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