Tag Archives: George Will

Fox News – helping protect corrupt Republican leadership

I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to listen to the assault on Ted Cruz from the Fox News Channel after he confronted Mitch McConnell for his lying about his secret deal on the Export-Import Bank. I’ll … Continue reading

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Is Donald Trump damaging the Republican brand?

So Rush Limbaugh today quoted some of the establishment Republicans who are having a fit about Donald Trump. George Will on Fox News Sunday said, “If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, … Continue reading

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What we’ve learned about Gov. Christie in Bridgegate

I heard the commentaries after Governor Christie held his marathon press conference on Thursday. George Will, who was on the Special Report All Star Panel that evening, praised him for doing everything right. “He came out and used honest, thumping … Continue reading

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This is the scary thing about what Obama is doing

I continue to contend that the dangerous thing about Obama’s presidency is not that he is grabbing power like a tyrant and abusing it so, but that the country is letting him get away with it. I just had brought … Continue reading

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