Category Archives: Gay Marriage

Adam Smith’s Chick-fil-A rant and the Family Research Council shooting – examples of intolerance from proponents of gay rights

When Adam Smith, CFO/Treasurer for Vante Vision Center in Tucson, decided to berate a Chick-fil-A employee over her company president’s stance for traditional marriage and to record it for YouTube, he did not realize the firestorm he would start or … Continue reading

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What is a Chick-fil-A conservative (A Captain Moroni conservative)?

Thanks to the Left, I have discovered Chick-fil-A. I had never eaten at a Chick-fil-A before, but had to, once they became a target of the Left. Which got me to reflecting – your attitude toward Chick-fil-A is a good … Continue reading

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The pro-gay marriage speech police are at it again

Too many people in this country are still under the dangerous illusion that legalizing gay marriage would be an act of tolerance. As I wrote earlier this year, legalizing gay marriage would unleash a torrent of intolerance. And this is … Continue reading

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“Wipe Out Homophobia” – scary intolerance of religion

There is a group that is called “Wipe Out Homophobia” and they have a Facebook page. And they have over 400,000 likes. And they talk about love and tolerance. But think about the title of the group – it’s all … Continue reading

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Gay marriage advocates and their intolerance of religion

I saw a posting on today that got my attention. There is a photograph of a sign at St. Francis Xavier church that says, “Two men are friends not spouses.” Next to the sign is a handwritten sign tacked … Continue reading

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Legalizing gay marriage will unleash a torrent of intolerance

Those pushing for legalizing same-sex marriage present it as a matter of tolerance and “civil rights.” That’s how President Obama explained his views. But it’s not about tolerance, it’s about intolerance. Let me explain. The Left has gotten away with … Continue reading

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Don’t let the Left frame the debate on same sex marriage

Kudos to Newt Gingrich for helping reframe the debate on same sex marriage in last night’s Republican debate. The question is the definition of marriage, not one of civil rights. It was a question from a Yahoo News reader: “Given … Continue reading

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King Vaughn Walker rules on gay marriage

Yahoo News is reporting today: Judge overturns California gay marriage ban. The Judge’s arrogance and intolerance is breathtaking, and is a harbinger of what is to come in this country if gays are allowed to push their agenda onto the rest … Continue reading

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