Tag Archives: Wil Cardon

Sarah Palin, Jeff Flake, and Kirk Adams – sorting it all out

I just found a posting from about ten days ago on the Gilbert Watch blog: Randy Hatch, Chairman of AZ Red Mountain Tea Party, speaks out. I basically agree with most of the conclusions, but it shows a political naiveté … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s slap in the face to Wil Cardon

I just got an e-mail announcing that Sarah Palin has endorsed Jeff Flake for Congress. When Wil Cardon appeared at the Mountain View Tea Party, he tried to answer a question about the Club for Growth, who has also endorsed … Continue reading

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Mixed reviews of Wil Cardon at Mountain View Tea Party

US Senate candidate Wil Cardon spoke Thursday night at the Mountain View Tea Party in Mesa. The appearance was a mixed bag. Attendance was low. When Jeff Flake appeared at the same venue two years ago, he packed the room … Continue reading

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I think I may like Wil Cardon for Senate

I noticed the headline in this morning’s East Valley Tribune, “Mormon Moment.” The article focuses on Wil Cardon’s challenge to Jeff Flake for retiring Senator John Kyl’s seat. They’re both LDS. Which is nice. That puts the focus on their … Continue reading

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