Tag Archives: Benghazi

Will the real Faux News please stand up

It’s been interesting following this Brian Williams scandal. The problem NBC executives had in dealing with him, as I read from NBC sources, was that the audience really likes him, and most of the responses they got from their audience … Continue reading

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Why is John Boehner saying “yes” to this Syria nonsense.

I just finished a piece about Syria from the Wall Street Journal by Peggy Noonan, “Why America Is Saying ‘No’.” She sums it up pretty well: “Syria and Obama: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong plan, wrong man.” But it brings … Continue reading

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Obama needs to be memorialized with a new scandal suffix

Ever since Watergate, it has been the practice to name each new scandal with a -gate suffix: Travelgate, Filegate, Thisgate and Thatgate. The reason? Watergate was the benchmark for scandals. However, Obama has broken new ground in scandals, so I … Continue reading

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Republican leadership complicit in Benghazi cover-up

When House Speaker John Boehner can get away with it, he appears to have a strong desire to cooperate with Democrats in Congress. And now here he is, with the committee chairs he has put in place, helping the Benghazi … Continue reading

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Republicans’ misguided focus on Ambassador Susan Rice

So Susan Rice comes out with a statement defending what she said on the Sunday talk shows on September 16. And it she’s lying. But is this any reason to oppose her nomination as Secretary of State? Here’s what she … Continue reading

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