Tag Archives: corrupt media

This just wasn’t right, Brother Flake

The biggest problem I had with Senator Jeff Flake’s diatribe against President Trump on the Senate floor last Wednesday was the poor example he is setting for Latter-day Saints. This just isn’t how we are taught to treat our President. … Continue reading

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Will the real Faux News please stand up

It’s been interesting following this Brian Williams scandal. The problem NBC executives had in dealing with him, as I read from NBC sources, was that the audience really likes him, and most of the responses they got from their audience … Continue reading

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This is an enemy of America in Ferguson

Let’s strip away all the pretense and get down to what really happened in Ferguson, Missouri. 18-year-old Michael Brown robbed a store in Ferguson, Missouri and assaulted the clerk. The police were called and officer Darren Wilson arrived on the … Continue reading

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