Tag Archives: Michael Brown

Politeness – contributing to the demise of the Republic

One of the news items on Drudge last Sunday was about the Sundance Film Festival. It seems that the movie 3 1/2 minutes won the Special Jury Award for Social Impact. This is a movie about the shooting of 17-year-old … Continue reading

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This is an enemy of America in Ferguson

Let’s strip away all the pretense and get down to what really happened in Ferguson, Missouri. 18-year-old Michael Brown robbed a store in Ferguson, Missouri and assaulted the clerk. The police were called and officer Darren Wilson arrived on the … Continue reading

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Racism in Ferguson Missouri

It’s time that we call this what it is: racism. I just saw a news item: An African-American saying that “There Will be a ‘Rebellion’ if Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted.” And why should he be indicted? Because he … Continue reading

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