Tag Archives: Mormons

Senator Crapo’s DUI and reflections on Mormons in politics

I see that Idaho’s Senator Mike Crapo was picked up early Sunday morning for drunken driving. Yes, Mike Crapo the Mormon high priest, former bishop, former eagle scout, etc. As an active Mormon, I took a lot of flak both … Continue reading

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Driver flips off LDS missionaries, and his car is flipped

I ran into this news item today, published several days ago. It was in Greencastle, Indiana, a small city southwest of Indianapolis, and the home of DePauw University. Elder Scott Brezenski and Elder Myles Anderton, Mormon missionaries, were walking on … Continue reading

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Jon Stewart defends Romney’s Mormonism – funny!

I made no secret on this blog of my very lukewarm support for Mitt Romney for President during the primaries. My first preference was Michele Bachmann, my second was Rick Santorum. But I noticed along the way weird things happening, … Continue reading

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Political wimpiness among Mormons

There is an article in the online LDS magazine, Meridian Magazine titled “Who Is My Enemy?” Written by Family Life Professor Dr. Wallace Goddard, it represents a body of political thought in the LDS Church that tends toward moderation. The … Continue reading

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Why Most Mormons Are Republicans

I was looking at an article posted on jewishjournal.com, a blog titled Jews and Mormons by Mark Paredes, titled “Why Most Mormons Are Republicans.” He attributes it to Mormons’ belief in self-reliance rather than turning to the government, and to … Continue reading

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