I posted last month that I was confident that Biden would not withdraw voluntarily as a candidate, and I stand by that statement. And I don’t believe, either, the report stating that Nancy Pelosi got him to withdraw by threatening to criticize him in the media. I don’t think that was a strong enough threat to get him to move. The account that to me has the most credibility is one from Pulitzer-Prize-winning progressive investigative journalist Seymour Hirsch, which he published a month ago in Substack, an online media platform.
On Saturday, July 20, the Biden administration remained adamant that he was in the race to stay. However, then Hirsch reports Obama telling Biden:
“Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.”
What that would mean is that Vice President Harris would get the cabinet to declare that Biden was no longer mentally capable of carrying out the duties of the presidency. By the authority of the 25th amendment, Biden would then be removed as President, and Kamala Harris would assume those duties. Invoking the 25th amendment requires the Vice President to make that declaration, backed by a majority of the cabinet. So Obama suggested to Biden that it would look much better for Biden to “voluntarily” withdraw from the campaign and remain as president, rather than be forced out of office.
I believe his account. He’s a credible source, and it squares with everything else I know about Biden and human nature.
Do you agree? Disagree? I welcome your comments.
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