Category Archives: Candidates

Is Donald Trump damaging the Republican brand?

So Rush Limbaugh today quoted some of the establishment Republicans who are having a fit about Donald Trump. George Will on Fox News Sunday said, “If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, … Continue reading

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Romney did the right thing

This past week, both LDS Living and Meridian Magazine, the two leading online LDS magazines, gave prominence to a New York Times article where Romney, somewhat defensively, explained his wanted to run for President again as an outgrowth of his … Continue reading

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It’s time to give it up, Mitt

Mitt, you’re pushing this trying to become President too far, and you are now hurting your image and that of the Church. As a Mormon, I was initially excited as Mitt Romney entered the political arena. My enthusiasm, however, has … Continue reading

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Follow-up on Bob Worsley’s business dealings

A little over a month ago I posted the contents of an e-mail I received from Kris Heap documenting business dealings of Arizona State Senator Bob Worsley (LD-25), titled, Why would Bob Worsley spend close to $1 million to stay … Continue reading

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Leftists lining up behind Scott Smith

Yesterday’s Mesa Tribune had an interesting op-ed from their frequent leftist contributor, Mike McClellan. He starts by trying to portray himself as a middle-of-the-road kind of guy by saying that he is an “Independent.” It reality, he is a fervent … Continue reading

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NFIB does not endorse Worsley

My business is a member of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), and I just received their list of legislative endorsements for tomorrow’s primary election. It was interesting to see that they would not endorse Senator Bob Worsley, my … Continue reading

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Why would Bob Worsley spend over half a million $ to stay in the Arizona Senate?

Back on August 3 I wrote a post commenting on a mailer I received that quoted Senator Jeff Flake: “Bob Worsley doesn’t need this job, but Arizona needs Bob Worsley to have this job.” You see, I have learned over … Continue reading

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It’s almost like Romney is running for the Arizona state legislature

Here in Arizona LD 25, where Big Government Republican Bob Worsley, the most liberal Republican in the Arizona legislature, is running for re-election, I see all these signs up and mailers in my mailbox telling me how Mitt Romney endorses … Continue reading

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Worsley Promises and Performance by Bill Sandry and Vote Smart Arizona

I received this e-mail from the Mountain View Tea Party. I don’t find it published anywhere on the Web, so I thought I’d share it here: Promise No. 1:  Worsley has stated “All of my businesses went from start-up to … Continue reading

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Bob Worsley doesn’t need this job? Really, Senator Flake?

A while back, I got an election mailer promoting my state senator, Bob Worsley. It featured a statement by US Senator Jeff Flake as follows: “Bob Worsley doesn’t need this job, but Arizona needs Bob Worsley to have this job.” … Continue reading

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More deceptive campaigning by Bob Worsley

I got a mailer yesterday from Senator Bob Worsley’s campaign. It quotes former state senator Tom Freestone as saying: “Anyone can talk about small government, but Bob Worsley actually practices small government. He focuses on only 8 to 10 big … Continue reading

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Bob Worsley’s deceptive Obamacare ad

I get really annoyed when politicians try to fool the voters into thinking they’re who they’re not. And that happened with a Bob Worsley (Arizona SD 25) ad I saw on TV yesterday. It starts out by saying that Senator … Continue reading

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